Work package 3


Educational design of the curricula and courses


Related assumptions and risks

A: Staff motivation and availability for implementing a new methodology and involvement of student and staff
A: All partners’ agreement on the main concepts
R: Not enough involvement from dental professionals R: Unaligned educational design needs


In order to reach the project objectives, dental schools should use a training format in which clinical reasoning skills and critical thinking skills are combined with EBD, patient values and multi/interculturality. To train the students in this, an educational strategy will be used where multi-culturality appears in patient cases and in the feedback on treatment plans, by students from different countries (peer feedback) and teachers from different countries (expert feedback). The educational strategy will be described in guidelines for the design and production of educational materials (design guidelines), and will be used with a template based methodology for content production. Also, Evidence Based notions from online teaching and learning of critical thinking skills will play a major role in the design guidelines. Input for the educational strategy will be derived from the curriculum analysis (1.4) as well. Because this Output is partly on a policy level, it requires some management level staffing. Preparation will be done by teachers, policy development and decision making by management.


3.1. A workshop at WHU to teach course- and template development
3.2. Course methodology and guidelines for designing courses
3.3 Development of the course-, evaluation-, assessment- and questionnaire templates

Estimated Start and End Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

15-03-2020 – 15-10-2020

Lead Organisation

Participating Organisation



Work package outcome 3.1

A workshop at RU to teach online course- and template development


A workshop held at RU, preceding the second general project meeting. In the workshop, the Radboud Health Academy, with extensive experience in educational design, will team up with education designers from the other partners, among whom staff from the QUB Centre of Effective Education, to share insights and teach required skills, e.g. how to translate the selected educational
strategy into design templates and templates for course content production.

Due date





Department, Institutional



Work package outcome 3.2

Course methodology and guidelines for designing online courses


rategies, will be selected and translated to course methodology and design of guidelines. These guidelines are a starting point for designing templates for content production on a micro level. These include templates for a whole course, a module, the theoretical and practical introduction, the patient cases and assignments, feedback (peer and expert), and assessment. RU will take the lead in preparing a format for the guidelines and in delivering input for the pedagogical approach, evidence based notions on online teaching and learning of critical thinking skills. All other partners will share their experiences with aspects of educational approaches in online learning. All partners are equally involved in providing input for the design guidelines with regard to EBD, patient cases and intercultural factors.

Due date



EN, Cn


Department, Institutional



Work package outcome 3.3

Development of the course, evaluation, assessment and questionnaire templates


Course templates fitting the specific learning philosophy of the project are designed according to the guidelines developed in 3.2. Templates include course templates, templates for the theoretical and practical introduction, the patient cases, treatment plans, and assignments, feedback (peer and expert), and assessment. Templates will be integrated in the e-campus in activity 2.4.

Due date



EN, Cn


Department, Institutional