Work package 8




Related assumptions and risks

A: Good contacts of the PC universities with professional partners and those facilitating regional, national and international dissemination
R: The external actors are not interested in dissemination activities


The activities in WP 8 ‘Dissemination’ will ensure that all communication and dissemination needs from various WPs and the project in general are considered and coordinated. Specific activities include development of a dissemination plan that includes a dissemination strategy, stakeholder mapping, identification of communication channels, activities and products, data security and intellectual property. Dissemination materials (e.g. presentations, brochures, workshops, online announcements) will be produced based on the Dissemination plan. Likewise, dissemination meetings and workshops aimed at identified stakeholders will be organized by the WP8 team. Participation in conferences and workshops organized by relevant parties (or stakeholders) will be prepared and effectuated. Details of target groups, envisaged dissemination channels and promotion tools are listed in section G2 of the Official detailed EDEMTET Project description.



8.1. Development of the Dissemination plan
8.2 Development and maintenance of the dissemination materials/ products
8.3 Organisation of the dissemination meetings, workshops and final project conference
8.4 Participation at stakeholder’s congresses / meetings/ workshops

Estimated Start and End Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

15-02-2020 – 14-11-2022

Lead Organisation

Participating Organisation

All partners and associate partners


Work package outcome 8.1

Development of the Dissemination Plan


The Dissemination plan will include all the information needed to facilitate the external communication efforts of the EDEMTET project partners. Subtasks such as the review and mapping of stakeholders at Chinese, European, national and local levels, timing of communication and dissemination activities, media channels, and division of tasks between partners are detailed.
Following AGILE principles, the dissemination plan will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that its objectives are met and amended if necessary. Implementation activities will be designed at departmental, institutional, local, regional, national and international level.

Due date

15-05-2022 (1st version)


EN, Cn





Work package outcome 8.2

Development and maintenance of the dissemination materials/ products


A number of dissemination materials will be produced for targeted stakeholders at all dissemination levels (departmental to international), as described in the dissemination plan and including texts and visuals for use in media and social media, websites (intra and public) of all partners, associate partners and further identified stakeholders, wechat groups, online newsletters, presentations and workshop sessions, research outputs (e.g. papers, journal articles). These materials will be stored and shared through the e-Campus database. WP8 leader and members will warrant regular update of materials.

Due date



EN, Cn


Department, Institutional, Local, Regional, National, International



Work package outcome 8.3

Organisation of the dissemination meetings, workshops and final project conference


Workshops and dissemination meetings that will be organized at the partner institutes and at meetings of the partners’ networks, will include Train-the-trainer certificate workshop, student workshops on team based learning, workshops on EBD in dental treatment planning, critical appraisal of evidence and its application in treatment planning, and cross-cultural learning in dental education. Depending on the event’s dissemination objective, meetings/ workshops will be for invited parties, or open to the public. Meetings and workshops will be organized by the WP8 team, supported by project management members and administration staff. A final, international project conference will be held at GXMU, aimed at dissemination of project results, creating further dissemination routes and creating new networks for follow-up projects

Due date



EN, Cn


Department, Institutional, Local, Regional, National, International



Work package outcome 8.4

Participation at stakeholder’s congresses / meetings/ workshops


Participation at stakeholder’s congresses / meetings/ workshops will be realized in order to promote the project and share project results, e.g. through CSA regional and national events, ADEE annual congress, ADEE workshop, FDI congress, IADR congress, IADS congress, EDSA congress, seminars and workshops organized by national dental associations, students associations, etc.

Due date



EN, Cn


Department, Institutional, Local, Regional, National, International